Tales of Terrarum
Tales of Terrarum

《Tales of Terrarum》is a new 3D management adventure sim game. On the new land of Terrarum, you will inherit a territory as a descendant of the Francz family, and become the town mayor to settle the craftsmen and adventurers who come to the town. You'll live in and expand the town together.

In this town, craftsmen are responsible for building the town for you, running businesses, creating industrial and agricultural production lines, and establishing trade channels in pursuit of financial independence.

Adventurers are tasked with battles, exploring the new territories, and experiencing the wonderful adventure stories.

These town residents also experience joys and sorrows. Meet their needs and provide them support as you develop the town together.

Town and Work Management
Give your residents jobs in town, assign them to manage buildings, earn wealth for you, and work together to plan and promote the prosperity of the town.

Experience the Life of Your Own Town
Farming, fishing, harvesting, collecting, hunting... You can fully immerse yourself in the charm of the pastoral life and commune with the nature. Experience a realistic world in delicate balance, where day and night alternate, plants grow wild and free, and creatures mingle to create wondrous species.

Produce and Build with Creative Craftsmen
Craftsmen are in charge of various industrial and agricultural productions, such as providing food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. Not only that, they create equipment and craft skill cards for adventurers.

Assemble Elite Teams of Adventurers
Various adventurers are liable for exploring this mysterious land, fighting for you, and bringing more fresh resources to the town constantly.

Management Simulation and Personalization
Manage a new territory, build your castle, display your favorite decorations, and personalize your town with a variety of special town buildings.

Adventure with Pets and Beasts
Encounter special and charming pets with its own unique traits and abilities, no longer to feel alone along your journey. Embark on adventures together and let their magic guide you!

We look forward to gathering with the Mayor soon to enjoy a relaxing pastoral life, and to set off on a wonderful adventure across a mysterious new land!

Lisa and her friends on Terrarum are dedicated to ensuring you an unprecedentedly joyful and carefree gaming experience!

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Discord: 🔗link

※In order to run smoothly, this game is recommended to use a device with a memory of 3G or above

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