Epic of Brave is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) adventure where the players can create strategical tactics, craft exceptional weapons, combine powerful spells and experience ultimate battles.

Enhanced with real-time multiplayer experience, flawless controls and beautiful graphics the players can join different matches, collect rare and exceptional materials, customise their heroes and team up against powerful enemies.

Join the battle between Sentinels and Resistance!

Battle or CampaignMatches are intense, quick-fire engagements where you face off against other players or AI-controlled opponents. Victories in Matches earn you a variety of Resources such as currency, experience points, and specific match-related loot. The more challenging the Match, the greater the rewards. Additionally, exceptional performances may grant bonus Resources, encouraging players to push their limits and strive for excellence in every engagement.

Campaigns, on the other hand, are more extended, story-driven missions that are solo endeavors. These offer a different set of challenges and opportunities. Successful completion of Campaign objectives yields not only substantial Resources but also rare and unique Materials that are crucial for crafting advanced weaponry and armor.Meet the Metropolis of ChampionsChoose any of the four Champions - the Paladin Tyriel, the Warrior Barath'Dur, the Archer Alessia or the Mage Rachel. Every one of them is gifted with different set of skills and expertise, making them unique and invaluable allies in the face of any challenge. Each champion possesses unique strengths and abilities that can be utilized to strategically overcome any obstacle.Climb the RankingEvery Match and Campaign gives you the chance to prove your battle expertise and brings you closer to one of the five exceptional Ranks:
- Apprentice 1-6 Level
- Champion 6-12 Level
- High Lord 12-18 Level
- Manipulator 18-24 Level
- Illuminati 25 LevelCraft Epic Weapons and ArmorsThe participation in Matches and Campaigns grants you Resources and Materials, which you can exchange or use to build unmatched Weapons and Armors. As you engage in the thrilling Matches and challenging Campaigns that await you, you will amass an abundance of Resources and Materials. These valuable resources are the key to crafting the ultimate weapons and armor, empowering the Look of your Champions.Accomplish Quests and AchievementsThe Excellence in Battle is recognised and collected in the form of Achievements. They enhance your Visual Representation and serve as a testament to your prowess on the battlefield. Achievements are badges of honor, earned through skill, strategy, and valor. As you accumulate these accolades, your Visual Representation undergoes a transformation, reflecting the milestones you've achieved in your journey.

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【遊戲簡介】《JUMP:群星集結》是一款集結了由集英社發行的《週刊少年Jump》上連載的多款知名漫畫IP所打造的5V5MOBA遊戲,由集英社授權並全程監製。遊戲內包含了多款知名漫畫作品,包含大家耳熟能詳的「七龍珠」、「ONEPIECE~航海王~」、「火影忍者」、「BLEACH死神」、「鬼滅之刃」、「咒術迴戰」、「不死不運」、「肌肉魔法使-MASHLE-」、「HUNTERxHUNTER獵人」...等知名IP,玩家將可以使用原作中出場的角色,與好友們一同對戰,體驗競技遊戲所帶來的樂趣,感受所有角色的IP魅力,重溫漫畫中所帶來的熱血與感動。【遊戲特色】(1)JUMP全明星夢幻集結夢幻般的組合,玩家在遊戲中可以盡情的使用每個知名漫畫作品中的角色來進行對戰,與隊友運用不同角色,達成夢幻般的聯手戰鬥,一同感受JUMP全明星的魅力(2)最熱血的5V5MOBA競技玩法最熱血的漫畫搭上經典的5V5MOBA玩法,挑選自己喜愛的漫畫角色,與夥伴一同戰鬥,來享受一場酣暢淋漓的熱血競技吧!(3)經典不滅原汁重現JUMP世界遊戲內將各項作品中的特色,完整的重現在遊戲中!包含美術設計、場景風格、以及地圖設計、跨越世界觀、盡情遨遊在JUMP世界中(4)角色技能100%還原技能超高還原,在遊戲中可以使用如悟空的「龜派氣功波」、魯夫的「橡膠·火箭」…等角色專屬技能,無限操作爽快連招!與隊友一同使出角色聯手出擊的夢幻組合技!(5)多樣性的豐富玩法除了傳統MOBA匹配之外,還有5v5排位團戰、3v3v3龍珠爭奪戰…等各種不同玩法,帶上你喜愛的英雄戰鬥吧!【聯繫我們】遊戲名稱:JUMP:群星集結客服信箱:[email protected]【注意事項】(1)因本遊戲劇情涉及不當言語、暴力及性。依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔導級12歲級。(2)本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另有提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。(3)請注意遊戲時間,避免沈迷。